copy/untar serviio archive ( ) to for instance /opt 6. export JAVA_HOME environment variable pointing to the java directory 5. copy/untar the java (ARMv5 Linux headless package archive to for instance /opt 3.1 you get the real download link when you leave your email on the the site mentioned before 4.
install ffmpeg from IPKG repos, as the shipped version doesn't seem to play well with serviio 3. a TV set, Bluray player, games console or mobile phone) on your connected home network. It allows you to stream your media files (music, video or images) to renderer devices (e.g. Serrvio will get configured via remote host running an instance of serviio-console 1. Serviio Pro 2.2.1 Multilingual 125 MbServiio is a media server. I don't will go to much into detail, to "save" the unexperienced. To install serviio one should have a basic linux/console knowledge. Should I have tried Mediatomb before? Does Mediatomb supports subtitles (srt) in an external file? Having tried ushare and minidlna from the IPKG repos without success, I liked the idea of having a platform independent streaming server. Restart Mediatomb and go to the web browser page and add your folders. Change to say "yes" it says "no" when it is installed. Serviio has been likened to the popular open source Xbox Media Center (XBMC) platform which has become so popular on jailbroken Apple TV units, but unlike XMBC, Serviio. There is also a paid for Pro edition (25) which further enhances the possibilities of sharing content in. Serviio Media Server is compatible with television sets, Blu-ray/DVD players, games consoles and even mobile telephones as long as they are all connected to the same network. remove the comment tags around the section and make that section look like this: 4. It allows you to stream your media files (music, video or images) to renderer devices (e.g. Next open /opt/mediatomb/config.xml in your text editor of choice.

Unpack and copy the Mediatomb directory to the /opt folder - you will need to change permissions to the files so just do a chmod -R 777 * from the /opt/mediatomb directory. I've just got this working with mkv's today with Mediatomb - works a treat on my UE40C5800.